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Solutions of high temperatures, the port and the return port

The physical model and mathematical model the high temperatures port and the reflow port boundary conditions overdetermined main reason: the equipment from three-dimensional to two-dimensional simplified, size can not be well unified. Such as channel rectangle from the boundary line from the cylinder simplified from simplified by the fan cylinder. Simplify the axis (Z-axis direction), FLuENT software that is the same size, but in reality it is not. Overdetermined problem to solve the boundary conditions, in the high temperature of the port with the return port of the model between the joined flow channel. In order to simulate the heat transfer between the two ports, the solid wall temperature increase in the flow channel is set to a fixed value, cooling gas flowing through the force. Of course, this increase in the number of grid computing model. In order to simulate the flow field within loss model leakage gap. The two-equation model on the basis of the one-equation model, the introduction of a turbulent dissipation rate s equation. This is currently the most widely used turbulence model. Turbulent dissipation rate is defined as: In this model, there is only one pressure inlet and a pressure outlet. Not only to solve the overdetermined problem of high temperature port and the return port boundary conditions, simplifies initialization of the flow field calculations. Multi-cycle calculation, visualization of the entire flow field for steady-state flow cycle.
It can be seen that the wave of the entire flow field movement continues to be concentrated in the the phreatomagmatic stage and the high-temperature gas exhaust stage. Incident shock and the reverse shock movement is very obvious. Due to the high temperature port and the return port is turned on with a short arc, therefore less pressure in the flash chamber and the outlet nozzle. Reflux chamber with the low-temperature discharge chamber between the number of channels, the flow area is large, the pressure difference is also small. As can be seen, the highest temperature appears in the whole flow field incident stages, the highest temperature of the airflow after the incident shock effect. The law of motion of the channel contact surface is also very clear. Due to expansion waves of the left row, the contact surface within the channel to the right the distance is large. Meanwhile, the left line expansion waves caused by the low-temperature discharge chamber gases into the passage, the contact surface on the left side of the cryogenic gas on the incident of the fresh gas with the original low-temperature exhaust cavity gas within the channels forming the contact surface. Channel right end of the high-temperature gas (340K) for the high temperature between the port with the return port of the circulation gas. Due to the high temperature air velocity within the outlet nozzle to supersonic, therefore the two-dimensional model, the gas outlet nozzle at high temperature strong imports nozzle optimization of inlet nozzle pressure exchange working refrigerator components of refrigeration One of the key components. Tapered cross-section through the inlet nozzle to form a high-speed jet, resulting in shock and expansion wave channel. And imports the nozzle cross-sectional area is the smallest circulation area of ??the entire apparatus, and its size determines the processing capability of the entire apparatus.

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