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The freezer heat exchangers of different classification by p

From a different angle, the heat exchanger can be divided into different types, for example:
(1) the condenser: means for cooling the refrigerant discharged from the refrigerant compressor superheated steam, and that it condenses to a liquid. In the condenser, the heat of the refrigerant discharged to a cooling medium is condensed. By the different ways of cooling medium and cooling, a condenser can be divided into a water-cooled, air-cooled and evaporated three types.

(2) of the evaporator: a refrigeration device with an evaporator to the cooling capacity of the external output. To absorb the heat medium is cooled by the evaporation of the refrigerant liquid in the evaporator. Evaporator in accordance with the different by the cooling medium, can be divided into: the evaporator of the cooling liquid; (b) cooling air of the evaporator, and so on. In the cooling liquid in the evaporator, the refrigerant liquid can be inside the tube or outside the tube, and evaporated. , But also full of liquid and dry evaporator sub-horizontal evaporator. In a flooded evaporator, the refrigerant heat transfer tube outer boiling, and in the dry-type evaporator, the refrigerant is boiling within the heat transfer tube.

(3) refrigerating machine: it is a different temperature air flow alternately through the container equipped with a filler, using the filler of this intermediary heat from the hot gas flowing to the transfer of the cold air flow. This heat exchanger is also known as the regenerator or the regenerative heat exchanger. The gas refrigerator regenerator general is divided into two kinds of valve and valve. Some refrigeration applications, in order to recover the cooling capacity, improve efficiency, and the high temperature of the refrigerant and the lower temperature of the refrigerant to the heat exchanger, this heat exchanger means also is used to call for heat recovery,

(4) switching the heat exchanger: it is used in the air separation unit to the product gas heat exchanger of the air and waste nitrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, etc., and in the air moisture, carbon dioxide, freezing and removal of the equipment, which instead of the original some regenerator role.

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